
‘Mystery Animal’ Caught On Camera In US Park, Wildlife Officials Stumped

The furry, short, four-legged animal was caught on camera walking at night.

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A strange-looking animal lurking in the Rio Grande Valley, South Texas, US has left park officials stumped. Park officials are trying to identify the ‘mystery animal’ captured on a game camera.

Officials with the Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park, of Texas Parks and Wildlife posted a snapshot of the animal on Facebook asking the social media users to help identify it.

Strange animal caught on camera in south Texas park sparks debate | WJAR

“We’re scratching our heads trying to identify this elusive creature,” read a post from the Mission, Texas-based park. “Is it a new species? An escapee from a nearby zoo? Or just a park ranger in disguise?”

The furry, short, four-legged animal was caught on camera walking at night.

Texas animal news: Mystery creature captured on park camera |

The social media users’ flocked to the comment section with their best guesses. A user wrote, “If it’s not a bear, then I would guess a park ranger in disguise!!”

Another commented, “A good ol’ Texas-size rat.”

Other internet users called it a beaver, wolverine, capybara and even an otter. A few sections of people also called the creature a badger and a user even called it a “pregnant badger!”

Mystery Animal' Caught On Camera In US Park, Wildlife Officials Stumped

After several guesses, park officials shared what they believed it could be.

2Comments”Wow, this photo has got a lot of attention! We agree with most of the comments that this is very likely an American Badger (not to be confused with the Honey Badger that lives in Africa and Asia and is rumoured to not care very much),” the state park stated, adding. “While American Badgers are not commonly seen in the valley (partly due to their nocturnal behaviour), this is part of their natural range.”

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